Thursday, September 15, 2011

Recruting Opportunities

Just letting you know....

RHS Open House is this coming Monday from 7pm - 9pm.  We are scheduled to have a couple of tables set up for the club.  If you would like to volunteer your time to come and sit at a table and play some games and answer questions let me know.  We should probably be there by 6:30 to start setting up.

Also, there will be an activities fair running all day on Monday, September 26th.  We'll be running a table for this as well.  If you're interested in helping out with this let me know.

My office has changed...I'm in C-24 now.

~Mr. B

First Meeting 2011-2012

Hey everyone.  Hope you all had a great summer!  This is just a quick post to let you know that our first meeting will be on Thursday, September 22nd, after school in the library.  Come prepared to discuss the plan for this year and any ideas you may have for recruting and fund raising.

~Mr. B